Friday, November 20, 2015

Blackburn Cabin Campout & Merit Badge / Advancement Weekend - Dec 11-13

Troop 149 will be camping at the Blackburn Trail Center Cabin located on the Appalachian Trail just outside of Round Hill, VA.   The cabin is just fantastic.  Located on a 150 acre wooded tract and backing up to the A.T. corridor,Blackburn can accommodate up to 80 plus people for a day event and has indoor lodging space for 30 people with at least 30 more using tent spaces and the adjoining campground. The commercial style kitchen provides two propane gas stoves, refrigerator and freezer, double sinks and two dishwashers. The kitchen is also well stocked with pots, pans and dishes, etc. It has electricity, hot and cold water, and wood burning stoves. 

The weekend is designed to be a merit badge and advancement weekend that will include :
  • Emergency Preparedness **
  • Hiking *
  • Movie Making
  • Weather
  • Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class requirements including Orienteering needed by a few of you

**  The Environmental Science Merit Badge has been replaced by the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge. It is another Eagle required merit badge There will be an initial meeting and planning session on Monday, 7 Dec, 6:30 pm, prior to the troop meeting at Cherrydale United Methodist Church. Meet Steven Gerard in the foyer. The Environmental Science Merit Badge was very popular last year, but there was low demand this year. Perhaps it is as a result of the overwhelming popularity of the Movie Making offering.  In order to begin the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge the scout must have earned the First Aid Merit Badge. This requirement will not be granted if it is earned after we start. Respond back to Steven Gerard ( cyclesail AT ) if interested

*Hiking is an Eagle Required MB option in the choice of Swimming, Hiking or Cycling.  Hiking will cover all of the non-hiking requirements and will provide a unique opportunity to hike on the Appalachian Trail.  This is also a great opportunity for those of you to put those 10 and 20 mile hikes you have already done to good use in earning this badge.  Outside of the merit badges, this weekend is a fabulous opportunity for Scouts to cover any and all requirements needed for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class. 

Cost for Scouts sleeping in the cabin is $35 for the cabin rental and the usual $15 grubmaster fee.  Adults pay their grubmaster $20. 

Please bring signed permission slip and the camping fee to the next troop meeting.  Permission slips can be found in the links on right.  Give these items to Rich Mendelowitz

Most importantly, PLEASE SIGN UP by filling out the form at the link below.  Please complete your sign up ASAP.

Sign Up Here

See Who is Coming

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