Sunday, February 4, 2018

Alonzo Stagg 2018 Official Sign-Up Page

(taken at Great Falls, northmost point of the 50 mile hike)

We’re almost a month away from mid-March, which means it’s time once again to register for the Alonzo Stagg 10/20/50 hike! 

(Please note that if you signed up on the "interest survey" earlier this year, you don't have to sign up again. I removed "no" respondents and a few who told me they couldn't make it--if your situation has changed and you need to be removed, let Mr Vargas know)

This year the hike will be on Saturday, March 17 and will once again offer Scouts and registered Scouting leaders the opportunity to hike either 10 miles, 20 miles, or the ultimate challenge: 50 miles.

  • 10 Mile Hike: Hike starts around 8AM, with plenty of support and great scenery. If you're new to the Alonzo Stagg hikes, you can start with a 10 mile hike. Use it as one of your required 10 mile hikes for the Hiking merit badge. You haven't gotten your Hiking merit badge? Well, get a blue card and use this as your first required hike! 
  • 20 Mile Hike: This may be the easiest 20 mile hike you will ever do. There are water AND food stops every 8 miles or so. And, again, if you're working on or starting your Hiking merit badge, this is the easiest way to get the 20 mile hike requirement--a real bottleneck for this merit badge. If you've done the 10 in the past, challenge yourself and sign up for the 20 this year.
  • 50 Mile Hike: There's no sugar-coating it--this is challenging. This could be the most challenging thing Troop 149 does. Start at 5AM, finish in less than 20 hours... if you can. What do you get if you finish? Serious bragging rights. An awesome medal and certificate. A cool 50/20 Euro-style car decal. Internet-wide recognition on the Alonzo Stagg Hall of Fame. The ability to say "I hiked 50 miles in less than a day.” Membership in the exclusive Troop 149 50 Mile Club (only eight Scouts in Troop 149 have accomplished this feat).

(IMPORTANT NOTE: Any Scouts wishing to attempt the 50 miler for the first time MUST take part in two training hikes: a 12 mile hike on February 17th, and a 25 mile hike on March 3rd. Make sure you’re available on those two days and email Mr. Vargas (CC your parents) with any questions.)

These hikes are always incredibly well organized by Troop 111, with water and food stops, pack shuttles for the 50 milers, and lots of volunteer support. "Sweepers" make sure all Scouts arrive safely, and there are multiple check points.

Fees are usually half of your mileage: $5 for the 10 milers, $10 for the 20 milers, $25 for the 50 milers. Once that's confirmed we will add payment links.

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