Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Summit High Adventure in 2019 -- reply if interested

If there's enough interest, Mr. Vargas is willing to lead a crew or two to the Summit High Adventure Base in West Virginia.

We would go June 23 through 29 in 2019. This is the week after Arlington Public Schools let out for the summer, and two weeks before Sinoquipe.

Attending The Summit has many advantages:
* We can drive to it instead of flying (so it's cheaper overall)
* You can choose to focus on a particular activity, or do the Summit Experience and do a little bit of everything
* It counts as a high adventure base for the Triple Crown or Grand Slam award
* cough wifi cough

If you are interested, and will be at least 13 years old by next June 23, please reply by entering your name in the form. This is not a binding decision... yet! If we get enough interest, and that week is still available, we will then start collecting deposits.

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