Sunday, March 6, 2016

BOR Mar 14th - Sign Up

BOR Mar 14th - Sign Up


The next Troop 149 Board of Review (BOR) will be held on March 14th from 6-7:00 PM at CUMC. BORs are brief meetings in which a scout discusses his rank advancement with three adults from the troop.  Scoutmaster conferences must be completed before the BORs, which are the last step for a scout to advance in rank.

Below are three sign up links:
1. One for scouts hoping to advance to Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, or 1st Class
2. Another for scouts advancing to Star or Life Scout2.
3. One for parent volunteers whom we need to sit on the panels.

There is also a link that will take you to a webpage that will provide more info on the BOR process.
We encourage parents to volunteer to sit on the panels. Experienced Chairpersons (Mary and Rich) will lead each panel such that no prior experience is required for the other panelists.  This is a good way to meet more of the Troop and better understand the different ranks. Troop 149's website has further information and a guide for board of reviews for adults new to these panels. Please volunteer!

For more info on the BOR process, see the info page below.   FYI, the next round of BORs will be on June 6th.  

Best wishes, Katie M. (Tim E's Mom) 

Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class Scout Signup

Star and Life Scout BOR Signup

Parent Volunteer BOR Signup

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