Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Caving-Ropes Course Campout

Sept 23–25, 2016

We have a great campout to kick off the fall…we will be going to West Virginia and do a 4-hour guided caving session near Yankauer Nature Preserve (through GO-Adventures) and then a 2-hour ropes course at Adventure Park in Harpers Ferry.

We will head out like usual on Friday September 23rd at 5pm, enjoying a delicious bag dinner en route to the campsite.

We will camp at the Rohrbach Group Campground at Antietam National Battlefield.

We need to drive away at 8:30am Saturday morning for the activities so we will eat a cold breakfast. Patrol Grubmasters need to plan for bringing paper bags and making individual bag lunches for eating on the road Saturday.

We will split up into two main groups due to size limits for caving. 

Group A will go caving in the morning and do the ropes course in the afternoon.
Group B will do ropes course in the morning, and go caving in the afternoon.

We will all link back up at the campsite late afternoon for cooking dinners by patrol.
We will be limited to 40 participants, so sign up soon!

Caving Gear:

Provided:  A helmet, headlamp, kneepads and all group gear will be provided by GO-Adventures.  Participants are responsible for their own personal gear, and should bring the items on the list below.

What to Bring:  It is very important that participants have these items in order to ensure a safe and comfortable day for everyone! The cave is a constant 55 degrees. Here is a packing list for Caving:

Suggested Caving Clothing: polypropylene or other non-cotton long underwear, wool socks, boots with good traction and ankle support, an insulating layer such as wool or fleece, a shell layer (water resistant), hat or bandanna, thin gloves. The cave is very muddy please wear clothing and footwear you don’t mind getting dirty.

-3 AAA batteries

-Wool or synthetic socks

-Sturdy, close-toed shoes or boots

-Long pants and long-sleeved shirt
-Rain gear if there is rain in the forecast

-Small day pack for your belongings

-Complete change of clothes, including shoes, socks and underwear for changing after caving!

-Large trash bag for muddy clothes

If you want to come, do all of the following:

-Click link below and sign up!
-Bring a check made out to Troop 149 ($135 per person, $16 if an adult just camping) to the first meeting on September 15th or to the LeHardy's (see below)
-Fill out the Adventure Park Ropes Course Liability Waiver - done online by all parents…it is easy…just click on this link and follow the instructions:
-Download and print the Caving Liability Waiver Form, fill it out and sign and send in with your check.
-Also remember to fill out the troop permission slip:
-Give your grubmaster $15 cash upon departure
-Bring a bag dinner for Friday night.

Questions? Email Ward LeHardy:

Drop or mail forms at the LeHardy’s (2440 N. Edgewood St., Arlington, VA 22207) or bring to the Troop Meeting prior.

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