Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sinoquipe Summer Camp 2017

Troop 149 will be returning to Camp Sinoquipe! The dates of summer camp are July 9-15. Sinoquipe is located about 115 miles from Washington DC and is northeast of Breezewood in Pennsylvania.

New scouts will participate in the new scout program. Returning scouts will participate in the merit badge program. If Sinoquipe continues their process from last year, merit badge signups will occur prior to camp. Once the merit badge schedule is ready, I will forward it to those attending summer camp and ask that they send me their selections. 

The cost for each camper is $390 for the week. The cost for adults who wish to accompany the troop is $120. Payment in full is due to me by March 5th. 

I need three things from you to reserve a spot for your scout or you 

1) a check for $390 ($120 for adults) made payable to Boy Scout Troop 149,

2) completed payment form (see link below), and

3) a permission slip (in the 'Key Links' on the right side of the troop blog). 

You may mail them to me or drop them off at the address on the payment form. I will try to have a folder on the back counter of the meeting room each meeting date in February -- you may drop off all three items in there.

Make checks payable to Boy Scout Troop 149. Please use the document below when making your payment -- the information on this form tells me the best email address (or addresses) to use to reach you. Feel free to enter in multiple addresses, especially if you want both parents in the loop!  When you submit your payment, please also submit the Troop 149 Permission Slip shown below.  

Please also sign up for camp using the link at the bottom of this page. Special note for adults.  Right now the sign up is requesting only adults that can attend camp for the week or some number of days during the week. Adult participation is crucial as we have a lot of scouts that attend summer camp so please consider attending. Additionally, we will need extra drivers to get us to and from camp.  There will be a separate call for drivers as we near our departure date. 

At a later date, I will also need to collect a BSA medical form for each scout and adult that attends camp. See the link below. You will need to have Parts A, B, and C completed. PART D IS NOT REQUIRED.  I am providing this link now in case you have any doctor’s appointments on the horizon, you can take these forms with you to get them completed. You complete and sign Parts A and B. A health care provider must complete and sign Part C.  

When you submit your medical forms you must include a copy of both sides of your health insurance card.

If you have any questions, you may email David Pearson at

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